What is Zero Waste, and some easy ways to start.

I had to sit a moment and think about where my zero waste journey began. I decided it began as a teenager in the late 80s. I became more conscious of recycling and was vegetarian for a while. I remember asking my mom to buy recycled loose leaf notebook paper. I had to convince her of its merits, since it was about a dollar more.

As a grew older I began to be more aware of how plastic was convenient, but I knew I could save money buying one permanent thing, rather than repeatedly buying plastic bags.. etc. I think living through financial struggles really helped me dig into ways to save money, and they always involved making something myself, sewing something, or repurposing something. Really, this is how our ancestors lived.

This gradual unfolding of my life has lead me to realize I can label myself “zero waste”… much like I did with minimalism.

Zero waste means we stop using plastic in our daily living. For me personally, I feel like a steward of mother earth. She has few advocates. I can do my part. So can you. If we all did, we’d have a much healthier planet to leave our posterity.

Since I’m fairly new at this, and you might be too, I’ll share some things I’ve started doing. Then I’ll share my upcoming plans for my zero waste living.

1. Use cloth towels and napkins instead of paper towels. You can make them, or buy them. Here is a great DYI

2. Make your own beeswax plastic wrap, I’ll post about my first time making these next.

3. Use reusable grocery bags. I’ve been collecting these, and keep them in my car so I won’t forget. If I do, I recycle the plastic grocery bags.

I sell reusable grocery bags that I paint, on my etsy shop

4. Stop buying plastic as much as possible. I know in our consumer driven disposable world, this is easier said than done.. but I’ve found you can find reusable products almost anywhere. (Even Wal-Mart sells metal reusable straws)

5. Make your own earth friendly products. Skip the chemicals! Helps your body and the earth. Win win! I make my own laundry soap, soft hand soap, sunscreen, body butter, lip balm, mascara, and toothpaste. I’ll post soon about my DIY adventures.

Home made laundry soap (just needs a stir) and beeswax wraps.

6. Dry your hands on your clothes, when you can, at public restrooms, instead of using paper towels or hand dryers.

7. Recycle all the things! My proudest garbage days are the days when I have a full recycling bin and a nearly empty garbage bin. Yes!

8. Be conscious. There are so many little things we can do. Like not using a plastic straw at a restaurant, or bringing your own reusable take out box.

My future plans of zero waste include:

1. Removing toxic plastics for from our home. This one is big…and trickier than you think because these plastics are in everything and replacing them is tough because I’m on a budget.

2. Continue to share and educate others on this important topic.

I am a newb.. but mostly in the terminology. I love my planet. “It’s where I keep all my stuff!” as the Tick would say. I know a lot of people won’t make these changes. I know corporations won’t stop using masses of plastic. But the few kind souls who do, will make a difference.

Be the change you want to see in the world.
